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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

explorers of the world great personalities /vasco da gama/ibn-e-batuta/ marco polo


explorers of the world

Geographical explorers of the world they are travel on land, by sea, or in space for the purpose of discovering unknown areas or routes.

Who amongst us does not want to know what is over the next hill? Desire to explore beyond the familiar streets of our neighborhood  some explorers of the world who wants to accomplish something so great that their names will be remembered after their death.in 1453 following the capture of Constantinople the ottoman Turks blocked the overland route from Europe to Asia. Because there was such a great demand for Indians spices and silks in Europe at that time, many European explores of the world undertook voyages to find a new route by sea and the were success in his missions now their names are known by explorers of the world  . Europeans king wanted to extend their power by establishing colonies overseas and to become richer by taking gold, silver, precious stones, and natural resources from their colonies

Some Important explorers of the world of that time were:

Marco polo -an Italian explorer of the world
Marco polo -an Italian explorer of the world

Marco polo -an Italian explorer of the world  (1254-1324)

BornSeptember 15,1254 Italy

Died January 8,1324

Explorers of the world Marco polo came from Venice in Italy. His name was also known by the explorers of the world. his father was a merchant who imported goods from Asia. When Marco polo was eighteen years old, his father took him on a long expedition all the way to china. They sailed from Venice and continued their journey eastward across land traveling through turkey and America they reached Tabriz, the great pearl market of the world. After three years of traveling over the mountains and plains of the silk route surviving many life-threating situations. They reached china. they were over whelmed to discover the riches of Asia. Marco explorer of the world met Kublai khan, the ruler at that time, whose enormous power and riches amazed the young Italian, He stayed with khan for his stay he travelled the length and breadth of china. he went across the Karakorum mountains and beyond the plains of the Indus valley. His journey through Asia lasted twenty –four years Marco the great explorers of the world. He was the first European to cross the entire continent of Asia and leave a record of what he saw and heard, on his return to Italy, he compiled his experiences of his travels and of Kublai khan’s life and empire in a book. Marco polo explorer of the world who travels influenced European trade and resulted in further exploration by the people of Europe.


Ibn-e- Battuta _ an Arab explorer of the world
Ibn-e- Battuta _ an Arab explorer of the world
Ibn-e- Battuta _ an Arab explorer of the world
Ibn-e- Battuta _ an Arab explorer of the world


Ibn-e- Battuta _ an Arab explorer of the world (1304-77)

Born : February 24,1304 morocco

Died : morocco

Explorers of the world Ibn Battuta was born in tangier, morocco he started his travels at the age of twenty in 1325. First he travelled to Makkah with a caravan to perform hajj. Though the journey was dangerous, ibn Battuta was Muslim explorer he was fascinated by all he saw while passing through Egypt, Syria, and Palestine. The account of his travels to Islamic countries was most useful since before this there was hardly any information available about them. After he had performed hajj a second time ibn -e-Battuta the explorer of world went to east Africa and then, in 1332, to India where he was welcomed by the sultan of Delhi, Muhammad tughlaq and given a job as a judge. He was sent to china by the sultan as his emissary. On the way to china, he lost everything apart from his prayer mat in a violent sea storm, in china he saw paper money for the first time and was most impressed. Finally, he visited Sumatra, an island of Indonesia which was at that time the farthest outpost of the Muslim world. Ibn-e-Battuta survived wars, attacks by bandits, storms, and shipwrecks during his journey and finally returned home to tangier in 1349.ibn-e-batuta then left an another expedition to west Africa, to see the kingdom of Mali and returned to morocco in 1354, in all he spent about twenty-nine  years travelling, during which he visited all Muslim states and met sixty different rulers. Battuta was visited most of the world, explorer of the world. ibn Battuta was a medieval Muslim traveler logs Towards the end of his life, he wrote stories of his travels in an interesting book named Rihla. After the completion of the Rihla in 1355 little is known about explorer of the world ibn -e- Battuta the book provides many important areas of the world in 14th century.



Vasco da Gama _a Portuguese explorer of the world
Vasco da Gama _a Portuguese explorer of the world

Vasco da Gama _a Portuguese explorer of the world (1469-1524)

Born : sines Portugal

DiedDecember 24,1524


Vasco da Gama also his name known by explorers of the world in fifteen and sixteenth centuries, European countries were seeking new lands and trade routes by sea. Vasco da Gama was the first to discover a sea route from Europe in India. As a navigator when leaving the part of Lisbon in 1497 with a fleet under his command, he platted his route of exploration to take advantage of the winds. After passing the cape of good hope, Mozambique island and Mombasa, he arrived at Calicut 1498 the journey had taken about ten months his route is still followed by sailings vessels today. On his return to Portugal in 1499, Vasco de Gama had completed the longest sea voyage of that time. After pioneering the sea route to India, Lisbon became the center of the European spice trade. The route also laid the foundation for the Portuguese empire to trade with the parts of east Africa, south and west India, and Indonesia for centuries.  Vasco de Gama visited India three times. Vasco the Gama first explorer who find European to find an ocean trading route India. vasco da Gama arrived goa task of combating to growing corruption that had tainted the Portuguese government in India, he fell ill and died  his body was taken back to Portugal for burial there.  

 Nelson Mandela

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